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  • Ukraine Public Radio Launches A Podcast And The Debut Episode Tackles Bitcoin

Ukraine Public Radio launches a podcast. And the debut episode tackles Bitcoin

The Ukrainian podcast that will educate you on finance, including cryptocurrency.

  • Dean Fankhauser
  • Posted
  • Read Time1 minutes

In an attempt to diversify and expand radio listeners in Ukraine, the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine (NSTU) has recently entered the world of podcasts, through their channels Radio Kutura, Radio Promin and Ukrainian Radio. 

And it's in the latter that the program “100 Thousand” will air. Host Roman Kolyada will tackle financial literacy, teaching the audience to save and budget. The first episode will feature a guest star, Yeuhen Nevmerzhytskyi, to discuss cryptocurrency, explaining what it is, the difference between fiat and crypto among other topics. 

Ukrainians in general have a pretty positive view of Cryptocurrencies and its government is among the world's leaders in terms of crypto adoption. Ukraine ranked 1st place among 154 nations in the Global Crypto Adoption Index by blockchain forensics firm Chainalyssis.

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